Magento 2 migration

It’s time to move to Magento 2

Since its launch, loads of stability enhancements and functionality related to API and management have been introduced.

There main enhancement is related o the ecommerce management, in Magento 2 is quite better.

We help you be up to date with late news and technological evolution.

diferencias magento 1 y magento 2

New on Magento 2

tiendas magento 2
rendimiento tiendas magento 2

Magento 2 versatility and performance

With a much more integrated functioning, the performance has been improved addind a cache system, Varnish for Magento.

arquitectura modular magento 2

Modular architecture Magento 2

Magento 2 architecture alllows customization without interferences with other extensions or parts of the code.


Magento 2 admin custiomization

Magento 2 allows customised views so we can decide which information can be seen on the orders’ list.

maquetacion de tiendas online magento

Easier frontend development on Magento 2

Processing CSS and HTML5 is better to adapt the look and feel.

pedido rápido b2b

Update: easier and quicker on Magento 2

Magento 2.0 offers better version control policies.

detalles producto magento b2b

Documentation and verification resources for Magento 2

The new Magento version includes enhanced documentation. It also offers a range of tests which are compatible with integration practices and continuous tests.